The second of three projects completed during the Summer of Style Frames course with designer Justin Harder/Claus Studios.
This set of style frames was to showcase a product ad, I would say this was the most difficult one. I love telling people all about the products I buy and why they should buy but when it came time to actually pick and sell through the frames, I was a bit stuck. Luckily, while drawing sketches and writing ideas down in my sketchbook, it hit me that the sketchbook itself was the perfect product to use. Moleskine has been a staple product as a creative and I’m sucker for the simple kahier craft style.
The idea was to show three different types of Moleskine book. I pulled from the various hats that I wear; the creative, the employee and regular ol’ human. Switching between open and closed created a sense of movement and would help bring the viewer into the world. The goal was to illustrate the versatility of the product and how the simplicity of its design is paired with the craziness of everyday life.